Son of Silvercon

Many years ago, before the Chief Wombat arrived in Las Vegas, there was an SF convention called Silvercon. I gather it eventually failed for lack of staff and attendees, though I don’t know all the details; what I do know is that nobody’s tried to stage another one.

What I do know is that there are several fan groups in Las Vegas, several game stores, an entire bar devoted to geek culture, and every so often there’s an anime convention and/or media convention in town. Plus, there’s UNLV, CSN, and Dixie State University just a couple hours up the ’15. Seems to me that from all this, it should be possible to assemble a martial arts army of extraordinary magnitudedecent little SF convention along the lines of Libertycon, which is unfortunately constrained by a membership limit built into its bylaws.

And we did. I guess we did okay. Our Guest of Honor and Special Guest sure thought so.

The details so far:

WHAT: Son of Silvercon III: No Blackjack! And No Hookers! “It is like Libertycon, but it is not Libertycon.” – Lennier, or somebody like him

WHEN: July 18-20, 2025

WHO: You, me, Hoyt’s Huns, Monster Hunter Nation, libertarians, conservatives, and other malcontents, wrongfans & wrongthinkers.

WHERE: The Hampton Inn Tropicana just of the Las Vegas Strip! [Insert joke about no blackjack or hookers here – wait, we already did that] Make your room reservations here.

HOW: Send us money! Buy memberships and T-shirts! We’re working on a suitable design for this year’s T-shirts, and if you missed out on the previous years’ shirts (or want spares), we have a few left over.

Attending memberships: $40 in advance; $35 for current members of the N3F, military personnel, and veterans. $20 for supporting memberships (may be converted to attending by paying the difference through June 15). Sponsor memberships are available for $100 each. Make your payments here.

Vendor tables: $50 per table (limit of 2); each table includes one attending membership. Please note that you MUST have a Nevada sales tax permit to sell stuff at the convention!

Are you a professional writer? Would you like to earn a reduced-price membership by hanging out with Brad, Daniel, and/or Sarah on a panel and talking about Stuff and Things? We have a limited number of panelist slots available. Contact me on Twitter (@wombat.socho), MeWe, or Gab. Or just send an email to [email protected]

Send checks or money orders to Friends of Fission-chan, PO Box 143, Tonopah NV 89049.