Post-Memorial Day Update

I didn’t go to Balticon this year, but I did go out to DC and hang out with friends, including John C. Wright and his lovely wife, L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright. I braced them about coming out to join us next year, when Tim Powers will be our Guest of Honor, and they gave me a definite maybe. XD I also talked to them about starting a BasedCon/LibertyCon/Son of Silvercon style convention in Northern Virginia, and they said they’d think about that too.

Closer to home, our Staff Artist is working on what will eventually become our T-shirt and program book art, a tribute to the iconic Miss Atom Bomb photo, because we figured what would be more appropriate than Fission-chan in the legendary mushroom cloud swimsuit?

Speaking of our program book, in addition to the usual program schedule & staff listing, this year we’re also going to have an essay from Sandra Miesel in remembrance of David Drake, with whom she worked quite a bit over the years. We will be sending copies of the book to all supporting members, in case you were looking for another good reason to throw money at us even though you can’t be here.

Finally, preregistration ends on June 15, so if you haven’t already thrown money at us and booked a room, please do so by then. You can find everything you need here.



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