The Dawn Of The Intermountain Cookie Conspiracy

A long time ago in a city far away (Washington D.C., to be precise) there was a convention called Disclave, and one of the many cool things about it was the Interstellar Cookie Conspiracy, where people brought baked goods and other tasty stuff to contribute to the consuite. We think that’s a great idea, one worth stealingadopting, but since we’re a bunch of conservative & libertarian capitalists, we’re not going to ask you to just contribute to the Common Good. Especially in these tough economic times. *glares in the direction of the White House*

Here’s the deal with the IMCC: you bring at least $5 worth of snackage, soda, or bottled water to the Son of Silvercon consuite, and we give you credit toward next year’s membership plus a snazzy button. Or maybe a badge flag. We haven’t decided yet. There will be some kind of decoration, though, that’s for sure, plus the satisfaction of knowing that You Helped – and knowing you have part of next year’s membership already paid for. We’re capping the credit at $20, though if you contribute more than that, we’ll have something for you besides our gratitude for helping us build a martial artsscience fiction convention of extraordinary magnitude!

Also, we have some good news for those of you who are thinking about buying a vendor table: if you don’t already have a Nevada sales tax permit, and you don’t sell stuff elsewhere in the state, we can cover you under our one-time exhibition permit. Basically, you tell us what you sold, we calculate & collect the tax, and take care of the rest for you. No muss, no fuss – but we do need to have your name no later than September 10 so we can submit the paperwork.

Our staff artist, Caitlin Walsh, has been furiously working on art for the convention. Here’s a sample of an ad we may be running in the Veterans Reporter News, a local biweekly that can be found at Creech & Nellis AFB, the Las Vegas VA hospital and its clinics, and elsewhere in the Silver State.

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