Post-Tax Season Update

Well, we finally have a home for Son of Silvercon, even if it is in Henderson and not Las Vegas proper, and even though the room rates are pretty heinous ($199 plus tax) since we’re on the same weekend of NASCAR: October 13-15. All our guests are on board with the date change, which is good, and I expect that since we have a definite location now, some folks who were on the fence about buying memberships will send in their checks – or upgrade supporting memberships to attending. Still plenty of room for vendors and/or authors.

I’ll be going to Balticon at the end of the month, mostly to hang out with friends but also to promote the N3F and Son of Silvercon. Maybe I’ll see some of you there!


  1. What is the address for the hosting hotel? I ask because, according to the Best Western Web site, there are two Best Western Plus hotels in Henderson.

    1. It’s the one on Boulder Highway, sorry. Apologies for not responding sooner, been out of town touching base with friends and wasting time/money on Balticon.

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