Greasy Budgetary Stuff

Money makes the world go ’round. Money is the thing we work for so we can do fun stuff like stage conventions so we can have fun with a couple of hundred of our closest friends. Which means that on every convention staff, there’s a guy chewing on his pencil and grinding his teeth when… Continue reading Greasy Budgetary Stuff

We done good.

As D.J. Butler pointed out to me Sunday morning, we made it happen, and that was the important thing. A few of the salient points, by way of an after-action report… Attendance: 29 paid members (25 attending, 4 supporting) Two attending members didn’t show up for various reasons but warned us ahead of time, so… Continue reading We done good.

S-Day Minus 6

Well, we’re about as ready as we’re going to get, I think. The T-shirts are on the way to the hotel, I have a box of our Guest of Honor’s books in my trunk (because I had a momentary brain fart and forgot to tell her to mail them to the hotel), and I finally… Continue reading S-Day Minus 6

We got us a Roadshow!

I am happy to announce that David J. Butler, Consulting Editor and author, will be coming down from Utah to stage the Baen Roadshow & Prize Patrol, a wonderful addition to our programming! We’ve also had a suggestion/invitation from authoress Erin Lale to host an outing to the local Renaissance Festival; if there’s enough interest,… Continue reading We got us a Roadshow!

Post-Tax Season Update

Well, we finally have a home for Son of Silvercon, even if it is in Henderson and not Las Vegas proper, and even though the room rates are pretty heinous ($199 plus tax) since we’re on the same weekend of NASCAR: October 13-15. All our guests are on board with the date change, which is… Continue reading Post-Tax Season Update

The Early March Update

Here’s the Early March Update on Son of Silvercon: Membership count is up to four attending & one supporting. Only 95 1/2 members to go before we become a real convention. Going to get the necessary paperwork from the county to open Friends of Fission-chan’s bank account tomorrow. Reached out to a bunch of conservative/libertarian/milSF… Continue reading The Early March Update