We done good.

As D.J. Butler pointed out to me Sunday morning, we made it happen, and that was the important thing. A few of the salient points, by way of an after-action report… Attendance: 29 paid members (25 attending, 4 supporting) Two attending members didn’t show up for various reasons but warned us ahead of time, so… Continue reading We done good.

S-Day Minus 6

Well, we’re about as ready as we’re going to get, I think. The T-shirts are on the way to the hotel, I have a box of our Guest of Honor’s books in my trunk (because I had a momentary brain fart and forgot to tell her to mail them to the hotel), and I finally… Continue reading S-Day Minus 6

We got us a Roadshow!

I am happy to announce that David J. Butler, Consulting Editor and author, will be coming down from Utah to stage the Baen Roadshow & Prize Patrol, a wonderful addition to our programming! We’ve also had a suggestion/invitation from authoress Erin Lale to host an outing to the local Renaissance Festival; if there’s enough interest,… Continue reading We got us a Roadshow!

Post-Tax Season Update

Well, we finally have a home for Son of Silvercon, even if it is in Henderson and not Las Vegas proper, and even though the room rates are pretty heinous ($199 plus tax) since we’re on the same weekend of NASCAR: October 13-15. All our guests are on board with the date change, which is… Continue reading Post-Tax Season Update

The Early March Update

Here’s the Early March Update on Son of Silvercon: Membership count is up to four attending & one supporting. Only 95 1/2 members to go before we become a real convention. Going to get the necessary paperwork from the county to open Friends of Fission-chan’s bank account tomorrow. Reached out to a bunch of conservative/libertarian/milSF… Continue reading The Early March Update